Self Care in “These” Times

In a time where self-care is so important to your mental health, we ask ourselves - what exactly is self-care?

Self-care is maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself. It means not only taking care of your body but also your mind, and soul - engaging in activities that promote any sort of well-being to reduce stress and/or anxiety.

What are the benefits of self-care?

There are many benefits to self-care.

While reducing stress is an overall health benefit, doing things for your well being are proven to increase your immune system, promote healthy relationships not only with yourself but with others, and increase happiness! Who doesn't want all these things? 

As a nail and cocktail boutique we, of course, encourage self-care as ‘getting your nails done’, to 'feel good about yourself’, or ‘relax’. These things are important to self-care. These things are a part of self-care, but we are aware they are not the only things for self-care. 

One of our favorite apps, Happy Not Perfect, is “...set up Happy Not Perfect, a brand solely and ‘souly’ dedicated to looking after your mental well being and help you have less stress, better sleep, and a calmer mind.” Check them out and give your ‘self’ some much-needed care. 


Use your senses! 

A 2009 study in the International Journal of Neuroscience found "credible evidence that odors can affect mood, physiology and behavior".

This means put those essential oils to use in the bath or roll them on! Even cooking is a great way to activate the senses not only for smell but taste! 

Treat yourself! 

That's right! Treat 👏 your 👏 self👏

Whatever brings you joy that you only partake in every once and awhile - do it! ...even getting your nails done, sipping on a cocktail, and catching up with an old friend. 😉

Think outside the box

Or….color inside the lines! Do something that sparks creativity and exercises the right side of your brain. Art therapy has amazing benefits. 

A 2016 study in Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, the British Psychological Society's academic journal, found it helped people with mental health issues like depression or anxiety relax, express themselves and feel empowered, among other benefits. 

Get outside

Whether you enjoy the mountains, the beach, the lake, or even your own backyard, make it a point to get outside. Watering your plants or having coffee outside in the morning is a great way to promote healthy outdoor time! 

Limit screen time

Especially now, it's important to set limits on how much time you're spending on your phone, laptop and other digital devices. We tend to use social media as a way to pass the time and sometimes end up falling into the trap of comparing our lives to those we see staged on Instagram or Facebook. Having too much screen time can create a false reality and even worse promote low self-esteem or depression. Instead? Read a book! Or listen to an inspiring podcast while you go for a walk! (2 birds, 1 stone)

Declutter your social media 

….that's right...the dreaded "unfollow"...guess what? It's ok to unfollow accounts that don't serve you. Does an account or person cause you anxiety or maybe even make you second guess yourself worth? Unfollow If it/they don't bring you joy, you don't need them in your life! 

Time to clean house! 


There's nothing like writing down your thoughts, goals, hopes, and dreams. Take time everyday to note what you're grateful for! 

Even getting lost in writing short stories or jotting down memories. Take the time to sit quietly and make it a habit to put a pen to paper. 


Sitting quietly with our thoughts is one of the hardest things we can do...let alone master. Practicing meditation, like anything, only makes use better. 

Sit quietly. Clear your mind. Breathe. Repeat.


"Laughter is the best medicine", isn't just a saying, it's true! Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Increasing endorphins also leads to a decrease in stress and anxiety. 

Catch some Z's

Getting enough sleep, is one of the most important things you can do for yourself! Skimping on sleep can lead to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. So make sure you're getting enough shut-eye—and don't feel bad about taking a quick cat nap if you're not.

There are so many benefits and things we can do to help practice self-care and the benefits are immeasurable. Happiness is something we all strive for and more important than ever right now. So get out, stay in, do you and whatever you do, do it for you and your health!

Shannon Dunlap